Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Were having a ..................

Baby Girl!!! :) We had our anatomy scan today, it was incredible!! She was moving all over the place, kicking and punching and stretching, and folding herself in half!!! Brent and I couldn't get over the picture with her foot by her head, which I don't think we were given a copy of. It was so amazing seeing our little girl, she is perfect! measuring right on her due date, to the day! Her heart rate was 144, which is the same as at the appointment last week, so that totally disproves the old wives tale of under 150 = boy, over 150 = girl. Since she was moving around so much, the tech couldn't quite get a good picture or measurement of her heart or spine. So, I get to go back in a few weeks to see her again! I can't wait! 

(above) side profile of the baby's face

I love this pic because it looks like the baby is singing :) 

Her beautiful little foot! The tech counted 10 fingers and 10 toes!! 

And the money shot!!! These are her legs and butt, and you can see 3 little white lines in between her legs (they are circled with a very light colored line), showing us all proudly that she is our little girl! 

She was pretty folded up, so here is her body, with a leg bent up towards her head

"Hi Mom and Dad!!!"
What a cute little hand!

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