Thursday, March 17, 2011

Baby Stella is here!!

I've been meaning to post this for the past few days, but it's tough to get more than 5 minutes on the laptop, hopefully today i'll get to get some things done and respond to the million and one emails we've received.

Stella Jean Norris was born on Saturday, March 12th, at 5 pm! She weighed 7lbs 8 ounces, is 21.5 inches long, and is perfect! She's now 5 days old, and is already up over her birth weight, which is why I said 'weighed', she's now 7lbs 9 ounces, as of her newborn checkup yesterday. I am so blessed with this beautiful little girl, Brent and I could not be more thankful for her, she's truly amazing. She sleeps very well, almost all night long with feedings every 2.5-3 hours, but then she's right back out :) she eats like a champ, my milk came in after just 1 day! which is why she's already back up over her birth weight, she's awesome, and way to go boobs!!!

We've had family here all week and it has been so wonderful! Brent's mom and dad drove over Sunday, and arrived when Stella was just 24 hours old, and stayed for a couple of days. The next morning my mom flew in and stayed for a couple of days, and Tuesday night my sister flew in and is here until Friday night. It's been so helpful having family here, I really didnt think I would want people around all week, but honestly, i'm sore, and I was super tired the first few days, and our house is already a disaster with baby things, but, the laundry is done, the dishes are clean, and we have food for every meal, so THANK YOU to all our family who has come out to help! My sister has been awesome, she's currently snuggling Stella so I can catch up on this post, and then shower, and then eat some breakfast. She's changing diapers, burping after feedings, wiping up spit up, and playing with Stella when we need to wake her up to feed so we can sleep longer after. Thank you Pammy, for all you've done this week! Stella will miss her auntie when you leave, and I will definitely miss my little sister and all your help!

I will try my best to get Stella's birth story, newborn pictures, and other amazing first week happenings very soon, things are settling down here, and were getting into a pretty good newborn routine... or as much of a routine as a newborn can have I guess. 

1 comment:

Dianne Jiminez said...

Have I told you before that I love your page! You do an awesome job!!

The hospital pictures are beautiful. Shows how things have progressed since you kids were born. They sure didn't have anything like that then. Stella is a beautiful little girl! Looking forward to "seeing" her grow since I have no idea when I'll meet my great-niece.

Love to you all!

Aunt Di


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