Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring is Finally here!

I do believe Spring has finally come for good! we have not had a morning below 40, in over 2 weeks! although the wind chill might make it feel below 40! Flowers are blooming, trees are sprouting buds, the grass needs a mow, everything is willing Spring to be here and stay! The kids started baseball and T-Ball last week. It's been interesting juggling the boys practice's and game's, but with my help sometimes, mom and dad seem to be getting it all done. We have been enjoying going to the park's much more, as seen in the pics below, and playing outside with friends more often. We'll be heading to the zoo very soon, and I cant wait to do more picnics in the parks with friends! We've been getting alot of rain, which is great for our soil, and when we lay the sod it will be a blessing! Here are some recent pics from our outings in the sunshine!
(Below) Maggie really wanted me to take pics of her pigtails :o) Her hair is finally long enough to put into tails, and she loves them! I hope they dont cut it soon, I think she looks adorable with a ponytail or pigtails!
Mag's smiling for her pic, there are many more where these came from, she's always wanting pics taken!

Matt's up! He loved hitting, but needs some practice, he's so used to us pitching for him, he doesnt really get the ball being in a set place that he can hit, but i'm sure he'll get it soon enough!

Matt's a lefty, so the coach had to re-adjust him several times, and the outfield, he kept turning too far and hitting it out of bounds, lol.

little kids tend to get a little bored, he was hopping around and dancing in the outfield when waiting for the ball

Matt's first Tee-Ball practice! landing a grounder

Maggie and me playing with the cameras and showing off the beautiful blue skies!

Maggie and Ellie enjoying their donuts and fruit on the picnic blankets

Maggie posing for her closeup in the grass, she literally ran over, sat like this, then yelled "Ready!"

Stefani and her son, Roman, enjoying the sunshine at our picnic

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