Sunday, September 21, 2008

End of Summer RE-Cap

August went by in such a rush! I cant believe it's almost October! We had a few end of the summer camping trips, the last one being up to Deadwood Reservoir, or the surrounding area more like it. Fall was definately starting to show up there, at nearly 7000 feet, it was chilly most of the weekend. Our camping trip was really more of a scouting trip. Yes, it's that time of year again. Elk season has started, so every morning Brent would head out in search of any sign he could find that animals might be near. Unfortunately, he didnt find much. We would also scope the hills in the evenings and didnt see anything then either. It took him 2 more trips up, the following weekends, to realize there really were no animals up there. I guess you could call it time well wasted.
Other than there being no animals, we had a great time, Abby loves the mountains, and she hiked so much that weekend she couldnt get into the truck by herself by the last day, we had to lift her in so she could lay down and fall back to sleep. I think it took her almost 3 days to recover and get her energy back, she was one tired puppy! We'll miss the mountains during the winter, we'll just have to get ready for skiing a little bit early this year I think, the snow is already on it's way!

Me with our great catch! 2 kokanee which were bright pink! (above)

pretending to kiss the fishies :o)

Brent out playing on the flats surrounding the lake with Abby

Abby and I at Deadwood Reservoir

I think she had just finished the rest of my sandwich, the wind got ahold of my plate and dumped it on the ground. Abby was sure excited about that!

I also took a last minute trip to Seattle last weekend. Brent was hunting and I had 3 days off, so I flew in and proceeded to drive to the coast with my parents to see their property. It needed some TLC, so we mowed, weed-whacked, and sawed our way around the property until it was in tip-top shape. Saturday started out nice, then this weird fog rolled in off the ocean, it covered all of Ocean Shores. We couldnt see anything that night, which made it interesting at dinner sitting next to the huge windows, usually we would walk down the beach, but we could find the beach! The next morning we woke up to the beautiful blue skies i'm used to, but I wasnt used to the chill, it was only about 50 degrees! we walked the beach, enjoyed a yummy breakfast, then hit the road to beat the weekend traffic.

I was lucky enough to spend Sunday night with my sister, Pam. A little update on her: as of 2 weeks ago, she is now an Assistant Manager at the downtown Nordstroms! I think she's in Studio, i'll double check. but She also moved to downtown. She had been talking about moving if she got the job there, but we didnt know if it would work out so quickly! She moved in with another assistant manager from the downtown store, Amanda, and her dog Louis (he's adorable!). Their apartment is fantastic! It's in the queen ann area, and overlooks elliot bay! They lucked out with this space, it's great, and fits them so perfectly! it's cut her travel time down from over an hour on the bus each day, to less than 15 minutes to the store! She's doing well, and it was great to see her and spend some time catching up with her life. So if you need some new clothes, go see Pam in Studio :o)

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