Thursday, August 5, 2010

We have an announcement...

This is probably one of the most exciting words on a stick we've ever seen! PREGNANT!!! Such a beautiful word! Brent and I are expecting! We found out several weeks ago, and this week we were blessed to hear our babies heartbeat and see our little wiggler! It has been an amazing couple of weeks, and we are so excited for this miracle to grow big and strong and for our little baby to arrive in just a few months! 

This is our baby!!! It's 1cm long, about the size of a blueberry right now. The little blueberry was dancing and wiggling all over in there! it sure was excited to be alive! The heart was beating about 136bpm, it was so fast! and it sounded like woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh, amazing! I wish I could have taken an audio of it! 

So far things have been going great! I've had my fair share of morning sickness, i'm exhausted all the time, and experienced heartburn for the first time in my life last night, it was so uncomfortable! But if it means a healthy little bundle of joy, I'll take all of it!

We are so excited to be parents! and our parents are so excited to be grandparents!! This is the first baby in the family, and Brent realized tonight that this is the first baby in their "sac" family as well, which he was very excited about! This is also the first great-grand baby for both of Brent's grandparents!! what an amazing first this baby is going to be! We will be sure to post more pictures as we get them, and I'll be updating how i'm feeling and eventually how i'm growing. No bump yet really to report. I've actually been loosing weight since I've felt so sick, but my Doctor said this is totally normal and to expect to loose a few lbs more over the next couple of weeks. Awesome.

So the countdown begins. The end of next March will be very exciting and will bring a new baby to our home! We cannot wait to meet this little person!!


Shelly :) said...

CONGRATS!!! :) I am SUPER excited for you and Brent!

(I would have logged in but my wordpress blog isn't working right....)

Jeni said...

Wonderful news! Andy and I are so excited for you both! Yes, there are many interesting and unpleasant side effects of pregnancy, but trust me - they are all worth it. Here's hoping you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Kayli said...

Jess! :) I have been praying for you and Brent since we last chatted about this little one you were hoping to conceive! I am SO happy for you two. I lost weight when I was pregnant with Kurtis at first, too. It is definitely a common happening. :) So much love to you both and CONGRATULATIONS! :)

Alicia G. said...

AAAAAA! I'm so very excited for you! Can't wait to see all your updates over the next few months. And, yes, thank you for taking the pressure off by having the first "sac" baby...;)

Melissa said...

What the heck!?!?!? I didnt know you were pregnant!!! Oh, CONGRATULATIONS sweetie! I am so excited and happy for you both. :) I cant watto read all of your blog posts now. I am a little behind in the blogging world :) YEAH FOR YOU!


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