Monday, April 8, 2013

feeling out of sorts in every possible way...

For the past week and a half I've been traveling around Portland, Vancouver, and the Seattle/Auburn area to visit friends and family, all the while finally going through the most horrific miscarriage I've ever personally experienced (of my 3). I had postponed my trip hoping that a few extra days at home and going to Acupuncture a few more times would help get things moving, it had been almost a full month since we found out that the baby we thought was growing inside of me turned out to just be an empty growing sac. Well, postponement probably should have lasted a few days more, because the day I decided to drive from Boise to Portland also turned out to be the day that everything in my body decided to turn loose and exit in massive amounts. I'll spare the horribly bloody details, but will say that nobody ever warned me that it was going to feel like going through labor again, and that there would ever be that much blood exiting in a 12 hour time frame. I never want to go through anything like that again. Brent and I had had a few small arguments about my going in for a D&C (Dilation and Curettage, basically they dilate the cervix and suck out or scrape out the remnants of the pregnancy tissue, fun times), Neither of us liked the idea, but I was starting to think it would be necessary, Brent wasn't so sure. I am thankful it finally happened naturally, but I really really really!! wish I had stayed home one more day and had been in the comfort of my own home, my poor sister and her fiance were awesome, although they both missed the worst parts of the whole thing thankfully, I think my sis would have just called an ambulance :/ I also regret leaving my husband during this whole thing, I really needed him, and know he was extremely worried about what was happening to me, who was or wasn't taking care of our daughter (I was alone for most of the day with her, driving and then at my sisters), and overall just worried about the whole thing. It's taken me almost 2 weeks to get my strength back, and to almost completely stop bleeding, I'm so glad it's almost completely over, I feel like physically I can begin to heal and move on. Emotionally though? I feel like that might take some time. I also feel like I have a lot of things weighing on me, and I'm considering finding someone to talk to about everything, an emotional healer of sorts. I don't feel like i'll be able to happily move forward with trying for another baby anytime soon, and that scares me. I want another baby, but I have this huge fear building inside of me that this is going to happen again, or worse, we'll be further along next time, or that since it's all chromosomal something will end up being wrong with our next child, or that it won't live at birth. I'm constantly thinking of the what if's, and I don't want to be. I am not a dweller on the negative. I am very much the glass half full personality, and being this way has not been fun. I feel anxious often, if not all the time, I feel like I have a short temper (which I am usually super patient), and that i'm sorta going crazy at times when i'm exhausted or overtired. The past two months have just been a shotgun ride of hormones and emotions, and I think I've lost track of how to handle them all. Plus I've been dealing with some extended family stuff, exclusion and feeling like everyone is just pitying me and leaving me out of very important events because of what I've been going through. It's been extremely hurtful and left me feeling super self conscious which I've never felt before, i'm usually very confident in myself and my family, and this situation has just left me feeling alone and confused as to why someone would hurt me this way. My husband has been amazing through this all, I am so thankful for his love and understanding, and his knowing just what to do to usually make me feel better. He's been my rock through a lot of stuff lately, and I could not have made it through this all without him. I'm also incredibly thankful for Stella, She knows just when I need a hug or how to make me laugh, she is my life, and if she is all we are meant to have, both Brent and I could not have asked for a more perfect child, we love her so much it's scary. I also have a pretty great family, my mom and sister and even my dad in a way, have all been pretty amazing at listening if I need to vent. and my friends know when to check in on me at the right time it seems, I am so lucky to have such great friends. I really didn't mean for this to turn into one huge totally random paragraph of emotional vents, or to get all gushy at the end. I was just hoping that maybe if I wrote about all the shit I was feeling, some of it would stay on the page and i'd feel a little better... I'm not sure if it worked yet, but I sure wish it were that easy.

1 comment:

Christa Cox said...

Im sorry you had to go through this... ive been through two miscarriages. Its horrible. Especially when you have to SEE your baby. No body talks about the dirty details in going through, dealing with, and healing from a miscarriage..
It took a year for me to feel brave enough to try again... and now i have a happy healthy bouncing 6 month old baby boy :))
I hope your healing process is fast and easy :)) xoxox

-Christa @Young&Restless Blog


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