Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day trip to Hagerman, Idaho

A couple weekends ago we packed up the family and headed to the Thousand Springs scenic byway for a little fun in the winter sun. I love Hagerman, Idaho, it is truly one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The springs in this long valley are fed by the glaciers and mountain runoff from up above the Sun Valley area, and they travel through a few hundred miles of underground deep canals, which means the water that comes out is pure and clear and amazing. It is so peaceeful hiking around this area and searching out the springs and waterfalls that fill the valley. This is one of those spots I'll love to return to over and over throughout the years. 

I love these two

We probably spent almost an hour checking out all the fish at the hatchery, Stell loved them!

The little got thirsty, what an awesome spot to sit and feed my child! 

She kept trying to climb down to the water in the big rocks, daddy had to keep her on track haha

See the houses in the background? this is the spot where the original "mountain man" lived! yea, the one who Robert Redford played in the movie Jeremiah Johnson way back in the 70's. Neat!


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