Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oh happy day!

I am so excited that Spring is here. I realize it's officially been "Spring" for several weeks... but it hasn't really... it's been more of a lingering winter, nothing near what Spring should be like. Finally, we've started to have sunshine at least once a day, even if just for a few minutes, it's sun, and we love it! We also finally have blooms, my strawberry pots are growing like crazy!! I'm so excited for these delicious little red berries to grow so we can enjoy them all summer. 

Grow Berries Grow! Linking up with My3Boybarians for sweet shot Tuesday.

Look at all those blooms, I cant wait for the berries!

Stella has been awesome the last few days, she is sleeping more consistently, having regular nap times, eating more efficiently, and has just been more happy overall. She's such a great baby! Yes, she has her fussy moment's, but don't all babies? 

So adorable, I love milk drunk babies

and sleeping babies

and how could I not add a pic of Abby bringing me her pheasant?


Mama Chocolate said...

Your baby is beautiful!
And yay for Spring. It's sure taken its sweet time in getting here this year! :-P

I'm a new GFC follower from the Spearmint Baby Alexa Hop!

Johanna at Mama Chocolate
Family life, tips for mom, reviews, giveaways and more!

Spearmint Baby said...

darling pot, darling baby, and darling pup! i am sooo excited about spring too!

following back with spearmintbaby.com & spearmintdecor.com.

thanks so much for participating in our Alexa hop today! xo, shari

Unknown said...

I am feeling in the same boat as you! I am in Minnesota and am seeing a lot of sprouting but it has been horrible weather! I followed at GFC! Hopping over from the Blog Hop!
Your Baby is adorable!! Great times! aprilslifestyleshow.com

Unknown said...

Hi I found you via the Alexa blog hop & just followed.

Those cheeks are irresistible.

I also love photography. I hope u drop by my blog. http://bellavidabyletty.blogspot.com/

life...just saying said...

Oh what a cutie and the pics are great! Now following.

Michelle said...

Such an adorable baby!

I found your blog through an Alexa hop and am now following you on GFC & FB. I'd love it if you could stop by http://moneysavvymichelle.com and follow me back. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Crunchy Frugalista said...

Love the pics! I haven't tried growing strawberries yet. I am your newest follower from the Alexa hop. Hope to see you soon at www.crunchyfrugalista.com!

MJ said...

She's beautiful. Just stoppin' by from Spearmint Baby's Alexa blog hop. Now following...


Layne Stalvey said...

Your baby is beautiful but I love that you're representing for your four-legged baby, too! I have a black-lab mix named Morris, and I'm expecting a daughter in September- I think they'll be best friends, just like a real brother and sister. I'm following from the Alexa Blog hop! Please stop by and follow back! http://layneslovelylife.blogspot.com

Kathleen said...

You must live near me. Today was one of the nicest days in a long time. We've been way below seasonal too.

Love the baby photos! I've got a 5 week old here. Cute doggie photo too.

Visiting from the Alexa Hop.
Callista's Ramblings

Steph said...

Hi! I'm a new follower from Alexa's Blog Hop! Hope you follow back. :)
LOVE the baby pictures!!!!

Hey Jen said...

Lovely baby! So cute!

Found you through the Alexa Blog Hop now following! Can't wait to see more baby photos! :)

Karen F said...

Great photos!

Stopping by via the Spearmint Baby Blog Hop ~ I am a new gfc follower.

Stop by and visit me when you can!

~Mommy's Moments~
Reviews, Giveaways, Deals & Much More!

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous of your strawberry plants! Yours are doing so much better than mine! Your daughter is adorable, too. Great blog you got going!! :o)

Sarah Kate


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