This year Brent and I had the chance to drive over and enjoy a week with our families. We spent the weekend of the 4th of July on the property at Ocean Shores, enjoying fireworks, good food, and great company! But before making it to the ocean, The boys took a long fishing weekend in Neah Bay, WA and brought back a great supply of fish for our freezer. I got to help out at the office for the week, and learn alot of the products that consolidated carries. Abby came to the office too, every day :o) she loved visiting with everyone and roaming around the office checking things out. I also brought Clancy one afternoon (I was watching him while my parents were on their cruise) and he did so great! Michelle took this pic one afternoon when Abby just wanted some love and decided to climb into Beth's lap. (Below)

Since the boys were out of town, we had a girls night dinner, The Anderson ladies were all there, Beth and I and Janelle, and My sister and Laura came by to enjoy the evening with us as well!

That week was a little complicated for Brent. After returning home from fishing, he had to fly back to Boise for work, which then sent him to Wyoming for a job, then he flew back to Boise with all his samples and was back on a plane to Seattle. This all happened in a span of 3 days. He racked up some flyer miles that week, but was able to make it back and enjoy the rest of the weekend. We headed over to the ocean Thursday evening, and joined the rest of the family who all got there that morning.

We had a great time visiting with friends and exploring the area. I remember going to the ocean as a kid with my family, but we havent been back to enjoy it in years. We were able to take the boat out and spend some time on the lake. The beach was pretty foggy most of the weekend, but we still took the dogs down there to run and play. It was Abby's first trip to the ocean and the beach, she loved it! although, she had a pretty funny look on her face when she went to drink the water.

It was great to just sit back and relax, and to get away for a bit. The long weekend came to an end early Sunday morning when Brent and I had to hit the road for our 10 hour journey. We stopped and had lunch with some friends from college just outside of Portland, and met their newborn son, he is adorable! The drive home was long, and hot, and Abby got a bit ancy towards the end, but it was a great end to a great week.
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