If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from our shoot with Nikki Hoover Photography, follow this link http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=339992&id=699630206&l=cfa326e13f
I'm trying to load it onto a site like Kodak Gallery, but it is taking forever with the file size and quality of pictures, Facebook album is much easier. Let me know if there are any problems with access. Thanks! and Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Picture Preview
Last week Brent and I got together with a great friend of ours for a fall/winter photoshoot. Nikki, of Nikki Hoover Photography did a fantastic job and we are so happy with how they turned out! These are just a taste of the pictures she took, they were so great, I had to share them! So enjoy, and I'll be sure to post more when we get them.

If you would like to schedule a photo session with Nikki, contact her through her website : http://www.nikkihoover.net/index.html
Also, I realize i'm late with this, but a very special
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little sis, Pam! I love you Pammy!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Brent is 27! We'll he was yesterday, October 5th. He is currently working down in the Mojave Desert in Nevada, and has been there for 8 days, he'll be home late on Thursday. Being away from home on your birthday isn't ideal, so I called him throughout the day and read the cards to him that friends and family sent, that brightened his day a bit. Happy Birthday hunny, I love you!
Great friends and a baby!
Not OUR baby, but some very good friends of ours, the Stobbe's! These pictures are a few weeks old, and I just uploaded them, and they are so cute! A very dear friend of mine had a baby girl, Grace, and she's adorable! She's several weeks old now, but these were taken about when she was about a week old.
(Above) Big Brother Roman is super excited about his new baby sister!
We were so happy and blessed to be able to join them for dinner so soon after their new arrival.
Brent holding baby Grace while she sleeps. He looks so natural!
The Stobbe Family
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Elk Down!
This was the email, text, and first exclamation that I heard from Brent last weekend. He is super excited about getting his first Elk, so I thought I would post the pics and and have Brent explain the events that took place.
From Brent: I got the shot off about 8:00 am Friday morning after walking out a ridge for less than 30 minutes, we stopped at the edge of a meadow to take some jackets off and the next time we looked down the meadow my spike had stepped out from behind a small fir tree at about 100 yards. We threw a couple cow calls in his direction and he responded by trotting, not walking, right to us. He fell victim to a G5 montec at 54 yards. After waiting an hour we trailed him 200 yards or so to his final resting place. We found him and were done with pictures at about 9:30 and him quartered and all back to the truck before 1:00.
Warning: dont look at these pictures if you get queasy or upset at dead animals. Thanks!
(Below) Brent with his Spike (it has one spike on one side, and 2 points on the other)
(Below) Brent carrying his Elk's head up the hill on his back
Friday, August 28, 2009
Chris and Angie getting hitched!
Our good friends Chris and Angie finally tied the knot a couple weekends ago! We have been waiting for this weekend for a very long time now, and we were so excited to be apart of such a great event. Here's our weekend in pictures:

(Above) Brent and I on the plane to Spokane
(Below) The view from the top of Schweitzer Mountain, it was overcast but beautiful!
We were also able to spend some time with some good friends we grew up with, Jaime and Rich, We met their adorable little girl, Allison, for the first time, she is so precious! We had a wonderful dinner at Luigi's downtown, and had time for a random carshow being held downtown in the rain. The weekend went by quick, but we got every drop of fun that we could out of it.
Congrats Chris and Angie!
Many of you have asked to see new shots of the yard, so here goes. Below, our strawberry plants! We didnt have a very big crop come in, and they yeilded very tiny berries, so hopefully next year we'll have better luck.

Brent has been waiting patiently for weeks now to pick the first tomatoes off the vine and eat them while they are still warmly kissed by the sun. He talks about eating them as a little boy, and how his mom couldnt hardly get any tomatoes to cook with because Brent and Dane would pick them and eat them all the time. So he is super excited that our tomatoes are plentiful and finally turning red.

Lilly has been enjoying time outside almost every day. She stays in on the really hot days, but we try to get her out in the morning and evenings cooler temps. She has her favorite spot under the cherry tree where the bird bath is, and her cat plants are. She lays between the plants and watches the birds land in the tree. I think she wants to get one of them, but doesnt know how, lol.

So, A few weeks ago, a big wind and rain storm came up on us out of nowhere. It wasnt on the news, and one minute I was outside taking down the laundry (we have a clothesline now!) and the next I heard Abby yelp and the sound of glass crashing down. She was unharmed and unsettled, and our glass top metal frame table was now covering the whole deck. The wind had picked up the umbrella and twisted it, then slammed it down and shattered the glass top and bent the frame. We were so bummed! It was not a great time to have to buy a table, and most tables come with chairs as well, which we just would not be able to afford. So we cleaned up the mess, calmed Abby and Lil down, and said we would worry about it later. Well, the next week, we decided on Sunday to go look around and see what we could find. We went to a couple of consignment shops (and boy are they spendy!) and to Home Depot and Lowes. We were feeling unsuccessful when we stopped in at Barnes and Noble for a coffee and some magazine time. As we were leaving, I talked Brent into stopping at Cost Plus/World Market, he didnt want to go in, so I told him to just stay in the car if he wanted. I got out and he followed, and we both stopped in our tracks! There by the front door, was a big cardboard box, containing a beautiful teakwood table! It had just been returned a few hours before, and the coolest part!? The sign on the front saying "$60" !!! So I sent Brent to get the truck, and I stayed with the table, and looked around the store. We were so lucky with this find, and have been so happy with the table so far!

The first week after laying the sod, We found these little visitors enjoying a shady spot for their nap. Brent was thankful he didnt just let Abby out like we normally do in the morning. The ducks hung around for a few hours that day, and have not returned since, although we would love it if they did.
4th at the Ocean
This year Brent and I had the chance to drive over and enjoy a week with our families. We spent the weekend of the 4th of July on the property at Ocean Shores, enjoying fireworks, good food, and great company! But before making it to the ocean, The boys took a long fishing weekend in Neah Bay, WA and brought back a great supply of fish for our freezer. I got to help out at the office for the week, and learn alot of the products that consolidated carries. Abby came to the office too, every day :o) she loved visiting with everyone and roaming around the office checking things out. I also brought Clancy one afternoon (I was watching him while my parents were on their cruise) and he did so great! Michelle took this pic one afternoon when Abby just wanted some love and decided to climb into Beth's lap. (Below)

Since the boys were out of town, we had a girls night dinner, The Anderson ladies were all there, Beth and I and Janelle, and My sister and Laura came by to enjoy the evening with us as well!

Oh what a summer
My goodness! I told myself a dozen times that I needed to update the blog, but things have been so crazy the last few weeks, so here goes.
One of the big reasons I hadnt posted was because for awhile our laptop was crashing, about 10 times a day. we finally figured out it was overheating and shutting down, so we bought a new cooling pad, and I think it fixed the problem, cause it hasnt crashed in a couple of weeks now :o)
This summer has just gone by way to quick! Brent and I didnt get to camp as much as we'd hoped. Now that we have a nice, comfortable backyard to enjoy, we never really wanted to go anywhere. So we BBQ'd and enjoyed it, even on the really hot, uncomfortable days. Abby loves
her new yard too, she's always content just laying in the grass doing nothing, it's cool and comfy and it's her's.

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