Friday, February 28, 2014

So, We're Pregnant!

AND IT's a GIRL!!!

We are so excited to be having another little girl! Stella is stoked about being a big sister, and once she realizes she'll have a baby sister to boss around i'm sure that'll be even cooler. I'm right about the 23 week mark, this weekend, and so far so good! We figured out the reason I had been miscarrying over the last two years, I have Hypothyroidism, brought on by pregnancy. So sometime after Stella's birth, my hormones just couldn't self regulate, and my thyroid just gave up and went on the fritz. 3 weeks into taking medication last fall, we got pregnant, found out a few weeks later, and have been keeping close watch ever since. I'm not a huge fan of all the ultrasounds and unknown repercussions of them at this point, but when your high risk for early miscarriage, I think they are worth it. We found out a few weeks ago that it was a girl, and little #2 looks super awesome and healthy! She was wiggling and turning and punching the wand out of her way, she's a mover for sure! I feel her all the time, mostly after eating, which I do constantly, but she always gives a few kicks or adjusts after, and I love the feeling. Brent felt her move around 19 weeks, and the little thinks its creepy so she doesn't feel much. We are so thankful for this second little girl and for her health and growth, she's doing awesome. I'm feeling much better in the second trimester thankfully, it was a long few weeks of exhaustion for me.

So with that huge news, i'll leave you to enjoy some of our latest winter pics, were now enjoying warmer temps, I am super tempted to plant my whole garden of cold crop, and were loving being outside more often. Spring is here!!

yep, spring is here, break out the sun dress and floppy hat!

We went up to a friends cabin in Garden Valley, and there was SO MUCH SNOW!! 

So of course, we hadn't packed actual snow clothes, because it was warming up, so fleece pants and coats came in handy all weekend. 

and Abby got to go too!! 

Warming up and a snack after playing in the snow

The dads built a snow cave, super cool for littles! 

She liked it, for a little bit. 

Coffee dates happen often now, and these ones, they come with a huge pile of whipped cream on top! 

'Arrrrggghhhh matey' 

and of course a shoutout to the 12th man, Woo Seahawks!! 


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