Saturday, October 30, 2010

Were half way there!!

Thats right, were officially at 20 weeks! I cannot believe how fast the past 20 weeks have gone, and can only imagine how quick the next 20 will go! Especially with all the holidays coming up, our baby girl is going to be here before we know it! It's becoming more noticeable that i'm actually pregnant, not that I just had a huge lunch, thankfully. Even my belly button is starting to flatten out, which I didn't think would ever happen, I wonder if i'll ever be lucky enough to do that neat quarter trick. My neat weekly email update tells me that i'm popping out more because my uterus is now about level internally with my belly button, this makes sense to me, because I am starting to lose sight of my feet. I told Brent he is possibly going to have to start helping me put my socks on in a few weeks, she really hates when mommy bends over and squishes her, and I don't like her pushing on all of my internal organs.

This week our baby is starting to be measured in a different way. For the first 20 weeks she is measured from her head to her rump, which this week is about 6 1/2 inches. From here on out she will be measured from her head to her foot, which is about 10 1/2 inches. So if next week she seems to have made a huge growth spurt, she did, they added her legs into the equation. Baby girl is also almost a full pound!!! Which is seriously weird seeing how I've gained almost 10 lbs by this point... she should really weigh more I think. But that could be just to make me feel better. She is now also swallowing amniotic fluid more every day, helping her develop the amazing skills she'll use when she comes into this world in just a few weeks. I am always so in awe as I read the weekly updates, there are so many neat things that take place every week, and I cannot believe how much her developmental skills are working now. I cant wait to see her tiny lips move when she eats, and for her to blink her eyes and take in the world every day. I wonder if she'll sleep with her mouth open like her daddy, or all curled up like me. I wonder how long she will be, or tall, I'm sure we'll have a gorgeous girl with super long legs, Brent is already preparing to have to keep the boys away. We both wonder what sports she'll like to play. Brent and I both loved baseball and softball, so i'm sure that will be at the top of her list, but around here people tend to like Soccer more, so we'll see which athletic activity captures her interest. Brent is also so excited to be able to take her hunting with him. A couple weekends ago his hunting buddy brought his little girl, and Brent was just gushing about how fun it would be to hunt with his daughter in a few years. She will truly be born and raised in Idaho I guess, but I don't think we would have it any other way. 

I'm really going to try to remember to get some belly shots in today. I think I've grown enough in the last 2 weeks to warrant an update. Check back later tonight or tomorrow to see if I've succeeded. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

19 weeks... and a few days

So I realize this is a bit late... I'm technically 19weeks 4 days today, but, better late than never I guess! So big things this week, baby girl is about 9oz now! (i'm adding a few because i'm 4 days past... she's gaining that quick!) If she is growing hair, it's starting to grow now, I do wonder if she'll come out with a full head of dark hair, or be as bald as can be for awhile... I'll stock up on adorable little hats anyways. Her sensory development is growing like crazy for the next few weeks, meaning her eyes, taste buds, sense of smell and sense of touch are all heightening, which is probably why I keep feeling little jabs, shes just getting her feelers down. Also, her ears will become more sensitive, so Brent and I really need to start reading books to her, or playing Mozart, or just cut back on the curse words during video games (Brent!), I keep telling him she's going to come out talking like a sailor! 

It has been requested by some family (Hi Aunt Michelle!) that we start registering and making a wish list, and linking up our wish list items on here so that people can buy from them if they wish. I do not want to be presumptuous, but we've actually had several requests, so I think I will work on another tab that will include links to the baby registry (so far just at Babies R Us online) and also put up a wish list of items that we would love to have, but are not necessarily needed right away. We'll keep it short and simple, We really don't have a ton of room to put things, but a little girl can never have enough cute outfits and warm fuzzy blankets, or adorable clothe diapers to cover her cute little cheeks. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Were having a ..................

Baby Girl!!! :) We had our anatomy scan today, it was incredible!! She was moving all over the place, kicking and punching and stretching, and folding herself in half!!! Brent and I couldn't get over the picture with her foot by her head, which I don't think we were given a copy of. It was so amazing seeing our little girl, she is perfect! measuring right on her due date, to the day! Her heart rate was 144, which is the same as at the appointment last week, so that totally disproves the old wives tale of under 150 = boy, over 150 = girl. Since she was moving around so much, the tech couldn't quite get a good picture or measurement of her heart or spine. So, I get to go back in a few weeks to see her again! I can't wait! 

(above) side profile of the baby's face

I love this pic because it looks like the baby is singing :) 

Her beautiful little foot! The tech counted 10 fingers and 10 toes!! 

And the money shot!!! These are her legs and butt, and you can see 3 little white lines in between her legs (they are circled with a very light colored line), showing us all proudly that she is our little girl! 

She was pretty folded up, so here is her body, with a leg bent up towards her head

"Hi Mom and Dad!!!"
What a cute little hand!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Mornings

I have come to love our Sunday mornings so far this fall. Usually spent sleeping in, lazing around the house for a bit, then off to get Starbucks and donuts for breakfast, yum! So it's only happened this weekend and last, but it's still a fun new thing we've been doing. It gets us up and going for a long day of working around the house. Today is yard work, tearing down the dying garden, and mopping floors, something I've been putting off for a week or two now. While enjoying our coffee (and my chai), Brent has been playing a game on his 360, which includes a lot of yelling and swearing... I'm sure our neighbors think he has some issues lol. Hence the picture below of him, highly focused and on a killing mission. I'm ok with it, cause it gives me some time to post about our Sunday so far. Actually, it was just an excuse to use again and play around with pictures. I love that site!

And here's a cute one of Lil napping, after sleeping all night cuddled up against my leg, this is her new favorite spot I guess, she's been there the past 4 nights. Then she gets up and moves to her other favorite spot, on the throws laying on the bookcase, she snuggles herself in there and is lost to sleep for hours.

Another neat thing that truly proves that fall is here?? The leaves are changing!! and falling, which kinda sucks, but we've vowed to stay on top of mulching and raking this year... not leave them in a huge pile to kill the grass... like we did last year. Our huge tree in the back yard is awesome in the summer for shade, but this time of year it just means constant work. Thankfully it's one of the only ones we have that sheds it's leaves, there are 2 smaller ones up front, but we don't have to worry so much about them killing any grass. We do share another maple sort of tree with the neighbor, but if were lucky, the leaves fall into his driveway :) 

Fall also means I've been able to break out all the fun decor! I picked up the wreath and sparkley pumpkins a couple weeks ago and love them, I might have a hard time switching over to Christmas next month. Maybe they will just have to stay out with the Christmas stuff, a couple of sparkley pumpkins wont hurt Santa's feelings. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

18 weeks

This week we received two conflicting image comparisons, so I thought i'd post both. The first is an average size bell pepper, I like this comparison because of the quarter sitting next to it, it helps evaluate the actual size. The other is of a standard sweet potato. One of my current favorite dinner side's, it's the perfect fall dish! It's also apparently the size of the baby in my belly, or at least the length. Brent would like me to compare it to some sort of sports equipment every week, instead of a fruit or vegetable... he suggested a softball. So, the baby is about the size of a softball this week, although i'm sure not quite as round. Our baby is about 5.5 inches this week, and weighs about 7 ounces. I'm supposed to be able to start feeling the little nugget moving around internally soon, but, I really have no idea what that feels like. Although, for the past week or so, I've felt something that feels like it's pushing from the inside out, off to my right side, low just above my hip bone. It's a weird feeling, something I've never felt before, but I still don't quite know if it's the baby or not. I'm sure one of these days i'll get a definite "HI MOM!" from inside, until then i'll just keep making it up and thinking I feel something.

We still don't know what were having, but whatever it is, it's already establishing reproductive parts!! I had no idea this happened so early! Too bad it wont get to use them for another 30 years, or until it's married. We will be finding out soon though what this little person is thats growing inside of me. So keep an eye out for that update, it'll be happening in the next week or so. Until then, peek on over at the belly shots page, I'll try to update weekly pictures from here on out, the bump seems to change almost daily now, it's amazing! I'm also going to make an effort to post things that don't have anything to do with the baby. I just have to start remembering our camera when we go places, so I have proof to post about. 

I also just have to mention that Brent and I watched the movie Babies last night. If you have not seen this, and you think babies are cute, or you are a parent, or just want to watch a good movie, you really should take some time to enjoy this movie, it was great! There is no narration throughout the entire movie, it's mostly quiet, or just sounds of life and the baby, and sometime the parents talking or siblings squabbling. It was so interesting to see how babies come into the world and are raised in such different environments. Two of the babies never even wear diapers, and hardly ever wear pants. That would save so much money in the U.S, and if you use disposable, a ton of room in landfills! Just remember to apply sunscreen in the summer... 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mommy Blogs

Over the past few weeks I've been finding more new and exciting mommy blogs to follow and read, and now cannot wait until this little nugget growing inside me is here, so I can officially join the mommy blog world.  There really is a whole world out there of awesome deals, great and helpful information, been there - done that moments, giveaways, special buttons, and so many other fun things that mom's across the world are sharing with other moms and moms-to-be like me. A couple of our friends are apart of this mommy blog movement, if you can call it a movement, and it's been fun to watch their blogs grow. 

One of those friends is Amy from A Good Life. The reason i'm mentioning this is because she is having her first official product giveaway this week! This is a big step for a blogger, when companies ask you to endorse their products on your blog, it's huge. So, to help her out, and gain another vote in her giveaway, I thought i'd mention it here today, and post a link for you to head over and check it out. She's giving away a pillow pet, yes it's one of those cuddly cute stuffed animals that folds out into a pillow. I think it would be cute to have one to add to the nursery for the baby to be, were going for a puppy or a frog, I really wish they had a duck, but the frog would match the duck, or wetlands, theme were going for. So go check her out, and see if you can win a pillow pet of your own @

Also, speaking of frogs and ducks and wetlands, I think we've decided on a "theme" for the nursery. Well, almost. I love this bedding, and from the beginning of this pregnancy, when asking Brent what he would like in the babies room, he responds, ducks. Or deer, but I liked ducks more. I was trying to find a way to suffice his want for ducks, he was thinking Mallards and Hens in flight across the walls, lol, like the ones he hunts. Yea, not happening quite like that. So, after some searching, I found this bedding and absolutely love it! It also goes with the "green" theme were wanting, all organic bedding and toys. Now all we have to do is actually get the nursery put together. It's getting there, the office is almost fully cleaned out, shelves are about to come down, and the bulky desk that takes up 40% of the room will be disassembled and donated. Then all that is left is to paint, put together the crib, and refinish the curled wood rocker. Woo hoo for nursery progress!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

17 weeks

I'm feeling movement!! This week has been amazing, usually at bed time it takes me a bit to get comfortable and fall asleep, so in the mean time while i'm laying there looking at the ceiling, I rest my hand on my tummy, and I'm almost positive I've been feeling the baby move :) It's such a different feeling, like butterfly's, or little bumps, but its so much different than any other tummy feelings. I have to be really still to feel it, but I'm pretty sure thats what it is. 

Well, As you can see below, our baby is about the size of a large yellow onion this week. It's acting the same as an onion too, always making me cry! lol, every time I cut an onion, my eyes burn and I well up with tears, spilling them onto the cutting board and all over my sleeves, Brent's had to take over onion cutting duty for the past couple months, because I seem to be much more affected while pregnant. I'm saying it's like the baby because every darn commercial that has something sad, or sentimental, or any sad movies, or even news stories, I cry. I cannot watch Extreme Home Makeover without tearing up at least once. I bawled while watching Little Women the other day (which was probably the 100th time I've watched it in my lifetime, but I still bawled when Beth died, and when Jo cut her hair, so sad!), and I cannot watch any of the ASPCA commercials, or Folgers Coffee commercials without tearing up. It's pretty pathetic, and I can only blame it on the hormones. 

Some exciting things this week. Our babies bones are starting to actually become bone! Up until this point they were a very soft cartilage, like what your ears are, but softer, finally they are starting to calcify and harden, so when it really starts punching, I can feel it for real. The babies umbilical cord is also growing thicker and stronger, and delivering more and more nutrients every day. Woo hoo for a growing baby! 

Last night Brent was looking at me funny, and decided to inform me that my belly now sticks out past my boobs. I thought this was funny to, which is why i'm sharing it. It officially means i'm losing my waist, which is why none of my regular pants fit anymore, even with the nifty Bella Band I have, I don't like the walking around with my pants fully unzipped look, lol, so I've started wearing my maternity pants, which are too big, but they cover me (unless I bend down to get something...) I only have 1 pair so far, so they are getting washed a ton, and i'm wearing leggings a lot. Thankfully it's finally cool enough to start layering, this is helping hide the too big pants, and sometimes my little bump. I wonder what i'm going to do when the cold of winter sets in, I guess i'll just have to buy more pants :) 

Be sure to check out the Belly Shots page this weekend, I'll get another picture today that proves my tummy is sticking out much further now. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brent is 28!!

Today is my wonderful husband's 28th Birthday!!! When he and I started dating, he was 20, I cannot believe it has been 8 years since then! So much has happened, marriage, many moves, buying a home, and now expecting our first child. What an awesome 8 years it's been! He's accomplished a lot in his 20's, Graduating from college at Gonzaga University, with his Civil engineering degree. landing a job at a great Geotech firm, passing his EIT exam which has allowed him to practice engineering for the past 4 years, and this month he'll take the P.E. exam, which will allow him to get his own stamp and be a Professional Engineer. I am so proud of my hubby, and thankful for all that he does. He is going to be an amazing father, and our children will be so blessed to have him as their dad. So, Cheers to Brent on his birthday, it's sure to be an awesome 28th year!  

Happy Birthday Brent!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

4 months!

My goodness time is flying by!! today I am 16 weeks, or 4 months, however you'd like to look at it. It's been an interesting second trimester so far, full of migraines, fainting spells, and still some food aversions. Yes, I can officially now add fainting to the wonderful list of pregnancy symptoms i've experienced. This past week I was waiting for Brent's oil to be changed in his truck, when the tech asked to go over everything with me... I stood up, apparently too quickly, and no more than a minute late, I was fully blacked out. I somehow stumbled to a chair and sat before blacking out, but dont recall how I got there, or anything he had been saying. it was pretty scary! I had to call Brent to come get me, they wouldnt let me drive, and called my midwife to make sure I was ok, she said it's normal, just another fun pregnancy symptom that affects some women. So now I get to really stay hydrated and eat even more than I was before, to make sure my blood pressure stays up where it should be. Anywho, how about some exciting changes going on this week with the baby?? We are heading into a growth spurt! Which means severe exhaustion for me, and massive weight gain and growth for the little one. 

This weeks fruit is an Avocado, which I think is because of the head to body ratio becoming more human like and less even than past weeks. it's finally growing out rather than just growing. The babies legs are getting longer every day, and it's head is finally starting to straighten out from it's former curled in position. Baby is also developing toenails, and starting to develop hair follicles on it's head, or at least the pattern that the follicles will grow in. I just wonder if our baby will have hair when it finally arrives in a few months... only time will tell! 


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