Wednesday, January 27, 2010
More pics with the Nikon
This is what Abby does with her toys... she pounces, paws, jumps, and digs at her bumper or ball, or whatever she's playing with, until I try to take it away or she sits and waits for me to throw it. She's hilarious, because the whole time she makes this playful growl/snarl at the toy, it's completely harmless and I cant help but laugh at her lack of toughness.
New Camera!!
For Christmas, Brent and I were given an amazing gift, a new camera! the Norris' gave us a Nikon D3000, which is wonderful, in that one of the neatest features is that it connects to Brent's spotting scope that he uses when hunting! Giving us the ultimate zoom. We received 2 lenses with it, the standard attachment, and the next step up zoom lens. I have to say, this camera is pretty sweet. I got to play with it the entire drive home, and filled an entire 8GB memory card! Most were deletes, but I was having fun, so here are just some of the results from our trip home, and remember, most of these were taken at 70+ mph.
Some Christmas happenings
These are a bit late, but I had to upload, resize, adjust, etc. So here are our pics from the 2009 Consolidated foods inc. Company Christmas party!! It was a bit different this year, as I was the employee, and Brent was my date! I have been coming to this party as his date for the past 8 years! This was actually our first date in 2002, he needed a date to this very party, and I said yes! It's been an amazing journey, and I am thankful for this holiday tradition and all that it means to us as a couple!
I'm not going to label anything below, it's already a huge post! so Enjoy!!

Monday, January 11, 2010
I realize with the holidays now behind us, it's about time for me to do some updating on the family blog. I'll be working on getting pictures up over the next couple of days, so please be patient with me. I'll try to keep them all in order, but they will mostly be of our trip back to Seattle over Christmas. We had a wonderful time visiting with family and catching up with dear friends, and enjoyed a Christmas party or two along the way.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season, and would like to wish all of our friends and family a Happy, Prosperous, and Blessed New Year!
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