Last week we had a guest over the Thanksgiving holiday, Abby's good pup friend Sadie! She stayed for a couple of days while her family was up north with their family. We had a great time with her here, Abby had a friend to play with all day, which made us realize that we may someday be able to get another pup, just not soon. We do plan on getting another pup when baby girl is somewhere between 2 and 3 years old, Brent and I agree that getting kids a puppy is one of the best presents ever, but he doesn't want Abby to feel any more displaced than she already will with children around, so we'll wait. Anywho, while Sadie was here, it snowed a little bit each day, never more than an inch or so, just dusting's throughout the week. The dogs loved playing with Brent every day when he got home, so one afternoon I snapped these fun pics, they are not great since the dogs were jumping around all over the place, but they still show how much fun the girls had with Brent and the snow.

Sadie was infatuated with the tennis ball, I'm not even sure where it came from, Abby doesn't have tennis balls... but somehow Sadie found one in the yard and toted it around the rest of the week
Lilly was less than thrilled with the snow and the dogs running all over the deck making so much noise
The only smiling shot I got of Brent, the rest were scowls, his back, the finger... delightful huh
Here is Abby waiting on the above mentioned tennis ball... so intent and focused
Last night Brent and I had to run a couple errands after dinner, when we got out on the road, a light dusting of snow had formed on the roads, making people weary of driving which was causing a ton of traffic for 7pm. This morning we woke up to this! Almost a foot of snow had fallen overnight. It sure is beautiful, but I didn't leave the house today, I wasn't very trusting of other drivers once I heard about the 39 accidents that happened in less than 3 hours... scary. Brent had to drive to Twin Falls in this, He had to be on a site late morning, so he left around 7am, and once he got out of Boise and down the freeway an hour or so, there was only about an inch of snow on the ground, so it was a pretty easy drive for him, I pray his drive back is just as great.

Now for a pop of color! We are one step closer to finishing baby girls room!! This weekend Brent hung up chair rail around the nursery, I was going to do stripes, but got overwhelmed with all the taping I would have to do, i'll do stripes later... We still wanted a bright splash of color on the walls, so scroll on down to see what we picked,
I love this blue! it's more of a turquoise/teal-y blue, but it is so fun and adds just the right amount of color that we wanted. I realize this is a little girls room, but were not huge on the pinks... so were sticking to the blues and greens, we love them. I am also almost finished with the fun fabric stitch rings, they are turning out pretty cute I think, I need to adjust a couple of them, and add a few more little details, but it's nice to have something up on the walls.

I also hung this sign up last night, "All because two people fell in Love" is something Brent and I had wanted to put in our baby's nursery before she was even conceived. She is our miracle, and would not be joining this world if it weren't for the love Brent and I have for each other. My mom found this adorable sign in a little shop in downtown Sumner, Washington, and it is perfect. I should have panned out on it, but figured it will get photographed plenty once the room is finished, right now it's just a plain wall surrounding it. I hung it in the corner where the rocking chair is going to go, which I thought was pretty fitting, since we'll probably be hanging out in the corner a ton in just a few short months.