Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Steps and Stones

I've made many cupcakes and cookies with and for the kids in the past, but never a big birthday cake. Josh was struggling to design a "Monster Cake" for his birthday that the people at Albertsons would understand. So, He asked me if I would make his cake for him. and of course I said I would, I love baking and decorating, as long as I dont have to eat it all. So I took his pictures home, and thought out the cake that night, then Friday, after the cake had cooled, I got to work making this monster cake. I used half cupcakes for the bellys on the monsters, and on the sides, I pressed crumbled up oreos and gummy worm's onto it, to make it look nice and creepy-crawly. Well, Josh loved it, and so did the rest of the family, it was a huge hit with all the boy's at the party, and there was one slice of cake left over. So Matt asked me to make him one... his birthday is in November :o) Here is the only pic I have of the cake, I dont know why I didnt take more, so sorry it's sideways.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Our First Garden!

We are also going to plant tomatoes, and bell peppers, and jalapeno peppers in mid may. We've been told by several friends, and gardening in Boise experts, not to plant anything that needs really warm weather (I.E. the plants listed above) until after the snow has melted completely off of Bogus... which means mid-May. and since we had alot of late snow this year, it could even be the end of May until we can bring the plants outdoors. So, i'm going to plant them in barrels, and keep them in the garage at night, and only bring them out during sunny days. I might have to get a heat lamp, or bring them in the house if it gets really cold and gray outside. We'll figure something out, we'd just love to have tomatoes and peppers around though. Yummy!
So if anyone has any gardening tips, please feel free to pass them along :o) Happy gardening!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Seattle trip and more spring

Spring is Finally here!

Sunday, April 5, 2009
It's done!

This afternoon we had another exciting thing happen... our neighbor's son installs sprinkler systems, and he came over to take a look at our yard. We had been trying to connect with him for awhile, but everytime I see his truck he's only stopping for a minute at his parents, so it's been hard. He walked through the front and back yard, and mapped out the system and told us everything that needed to be done. We will have 3 zones in the back, and 1 up front... with sprinklers in the grass, and drip lines around the gardens. I'm so excited to get this done, because it will really save our grass when it's put in. We also have the grass picked out, I think were putting in Xerilawn, which is from TurfCo here in Boise. It's a great hybrid that thrives in our area, with the sun and heat, and does wonderful with animals and lots of foot traffic, which can sometimes kill sod. So I think we found a great grass that will hold up with our lives.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
A few more....
Saturday's Progress
Setting the blocks

The Boys taking a break from building
Lil even came out for the fun! and loved laying in the sunshine!
The first 12 deckboards! Love the Redwood!
Another Angle of the first 12 boards. The boys decided to stop at this point, so we'll finish the last 21 boards tomorrow.

Looking out the backdoor at our new half-done deck :o)
A lone box of nails sits waiting patiently on the new deck boards