Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Steps and Stones

I've been trying to get multiple pics to load for over a half hour now... so i'm sticking to one for now. Here are our new steps and stones off the back of the deck! We are so excited to have them in, but we still need a few more stones, and to level them out in sand. The step is wide, which I love! It makes it feel bigger and I think is less of a hazzard for little feet. Were also debating about just how many more pavers we need to get. I would love to fill in the whole space below the deck and make a lower patio area... I think it would look so nice and give a little extra space for people to sit if needed. So we'll see what happens.

Spring seems to be a busy birthday time for many of our friends (including my own!) On April 19th, Miss Maggie turned 3! then 4 days later, Mr. Josh turned 7! These kids are just growing up so fast! I cant believe i've worked with their family for 2 years now! Here are just a couple pics from their busy birthday week!

I've made many cupcakes and cookies with and for the kids in the past, but never a big birthday cake. Josh was struggling to design a "Monster Cake" for his birthday that the people at Albertsons would understand. So, He asked me if I would make his cake for him. and of course I said I would, I love baking and decorating, as long as I dont have to eat it all. So I took his pictures home, and thought out the cake that night, then Friday, after the cake had cooled, I got to work making this monster cake. I used half cupcakes for the bellys on the monsters, and on the sides, I pressed crumbled up oreos and gummy worm's onto it, to make it look nice and creepy-crawly. Well, Josh loved it, and so did the rest of the family, it was a huge hit with all the boy's at the party, and there was one slice of cake left over. So Matt asked me to make him one... his birthday is in November :o) Here is the only pic I have of the cake, I dont know why I didnt take more, so sorry it's sideways.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our First Garden!

So this weekend I decided to plant a garden in our new flower beds! I walked around Lowes on Friday morning and picked out all the things I thought we'd love to have in our new garden. So I brought home some Sweet Basil, and Thai Basil (cause I love the taste of Thai Basil in stir fry, yum!), Cilantro, Rosemary, Parsley, and Green Onions (All seen below)

We also planted Romane lettuce! I have never grown lettuce... well, i've never really grown anything, but I hope it turns out ok, i've heard it can taste dirty if it's not grown right... but I dont know what right is, so we'll see! We also planted Sugar Snap Peas! I snack on them all the time, so I am really excited for them to start growing :o)

I also planted some seeds for 2 types of radishes (my dad loves them, so I hope they are up when he gets here!) and some Carrots. I am going to plant some sweet onions soon, but have to wait and make more space in the other beds, this one got a little crowded. I have several other seed packs that i'd love to plant as well, Cantalope is supposed to grow REALLY well here, along with watermelon, so i'm going to plant those next weekend. I also want to plant some okra, for pickeling, I have always loved pickeled okra, since I was little, my grandparents got me hooked on it, and I could eat a whole jar in one sitting if allowed. So i'll see if I have a green thumb for growing it, and then try pickeling... I'll keep ya posted!

We are also going to plant tomatoes, and bell peppers, and jalapeno peppers in mid may. We've been told by several friends, and gardening in Boise experts, not to plant anything that needs really warm weather (I.E. the plants listed above) until after the snow has melted completely off of Bogus... which means mid-May. and since we had alot of late snow this year, it could even be the end of May until we can bring the plants outdoors. So, i'm going to plant them in barrels, and keep them in the garage at night, and only bring them out during sunny days. I might have to get a heat lamp, or bring them in the house if it gets really cold and gray outside. We'll figure something out, we'd just love to have tomatoes and peppers around though. Yummy!

So if anyone has any gardening tips, please feel free to pass them along :o) Happy gardening!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My Oldest and Best friend, Jaime, celebrated the birth of her first child this morning! Allison Snider was born this morning at about 7:30am! She is 7lbs, 4oz, and 18 inches long! Here is the first pic I recieved on my phone today, I'm sure there will be many more to follow, i'll be visiting her the the next month or two (she lives in Spokane). Congratulations Rich and Jaime! I know you'll make wonderful, amazing parents! and little Allison, I cannot wait to meet you! Welcome to the world!

Seattle trip and more spring

This past weekend we headed home to celebrate Easter with our families. It is always wonderful to get home and see everyone, but the weekend always goes by too quick! Brents family, The Anderson, flew up from California for the holiday, and we all went out to brunch at Salty's on Alki, Sunday morning. This tradition has been in Brent's family for years, and my family has been fortunate enough to join the tradition the last couple of years. The food is fantastic, we always eat too much, but it's worth it! I'll be sure to add those pics when we get them from the fam. Here are some pics of our stop at Pike Place market, we always try to go there if there is a little extra time, so we went there the afternoon before our flight home. We also had time to enjoy a quick lunch with my sister at Nordstrom, I love being able to go see her, and dont get to much, so that was a nice treat! I think next time we'll book an extra day and get down to the waterfront for some fresh seafood. Yum!

(Below) Some spring flowers are starting to show their colors! We have daffodil's all over our flowerbeds! and the tulips are shooting up, but not yet blooming! I cant wait for all the beautiful colors that spring brings!

(Below) This is the plum tree that we planted when we first moved into our house 2 years ago! Brent's parents bought it for a housewarming present, and we planted it with them just after moving in. It is blooming like crazy right now! The buds are turning bright pink and they are looking beautiful! I cant wait for the other bushes and trees to catch up and start blooming!

Here are the tulips I brought home from Pike Place, they are blooming and are huge! the sun just made them pop right open!

Here are the tulips fresh from the market, before the sun got to them, beautiful!

Spring is Finally here!

I do believe Spring has finally come for good! we have not had a morning below 40, in over 2 weeks! although the wind chill might make it feel below 40! Flowers are blooming, trees are sprouting buds, the grass needs a mow, everything is willing Spring to be here and stay! The kids started baseball and T-Ball last week. It's been interesting juggling the boys practice's and game's, but with my help sometimes, mom and dad seem to be getting it all done. We have been enjoying going to the park's much more, as seen in the pics below, and playing outside with friends more often. We'll be heading to the zoo very soon, and I cant wait to do more picnics in the parks with friends! We've been getting alot of rain, which is great for our soil, and when we lay the sod it will be a blessing! Here are some recent pics from our outings in the sunshine!
(Below) Maggie really wanted me to take pics of her pigtails :o) Her hair is finally long enough to put into tails, and she loves them! I hope they dont cut it soon, I think she looks adorable with a ponytail or pigtails!
Mag's smiling for her pic, there are many more where these came from, she's always wanting pics taken!

Matt's up! He loved hitting, but needs some practice, he's so used to us pitching for him, he doesnt really get the ball being in a set place that he can hit, but i'm sure he'll get it soon enough!

Matt's a lefty, so the coach had to re-adjust him several times, and the outfield, he kept turning too far and hitting it out of bounds, lol.

little kids tend to get a little bored, he was hopping around and dancing in the outfield when waiting for the ball

Matt's first Tee-Ball practice! landing a grounder

Maggie and me playing with the cameras and showing off the beautiful blue skies!

Maggie and Ellie enjoying their donuts and fruit on the picnic blankets

Maggie posing for her closeup in the grass, she literally ran over, sat like this, then yelled "Ready!"

Stefani and her son, Roman, enjoying the sunshine at our picnic

Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's done!

Our new redwood deck is done! After searching several stores this morning for matching screws (we ran out of the 5lb box we had!) we finally made it back home and finished installing the last of the boards! We actually need to order one more 20ft redwood board, and a skirt board for the back of the deck, and the wood for the step we are planning, but that will be a later weekend, or tomorrow... we'll see :o) Isn't the color beautiful! I just love it!

(Below) The finished product

Abby loving her new deck!

I love the color of the wood! the grain looks amazing!

I cant wait to stain it and finally use it! yay!

This afternoon we had another exciting thing happen... our neighbor's son installs sprinkler systems, and he came over to take a look at our yard. We had been trying to connect with him for awhile, but everytime I see his truck he's only stopping for a minute at his parents, so it's been hard. He walked through the front and back yard, and mapped out the system and told us everything that needed to be done. We will have 3 zones in the back, and 1 up front... with sprinklers in the grass, and drip lines around the gardens. I'm so excited to get this done, because it will really save our grass when it's put in. We also have the grass picked out, I think were putting in Xerilawn, which is from TurfCo here in Boise. It's a great hybrid that thrives in our area, with the sun and heat, and does wonderful with animals and lots of foot traffic, which can sometimes kill sod. So I think we found a great grass that will hold up with our lives.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A few more....

I had to add a few pics of us throughout the day, So here are the boys after all the hard work, enjoying a cold one and kicking back

Brent and I had to take advantage of the sunshine and get a pic in, Brent was talking I think, lol

Father and Son after all the work

We are so thankful to have Jim and Dane here to help, I know this project would not be getting done this weekend without their help!

Saturday's Progress

Here is what we have gotten through so far on the deck,
(Below) Frame is done!
Abby has a cold and keeps coughing, but likes the frame

Setting the blocks

They actually let me hammer some nails! Like my boots!? Thanks Pam!

The Boys taking a break from building

Lil even came out for the fun! and loved laying in the sunshine!

The first 12 deckboards! Love the Redwood!

Another Angle of the first 12 boards. The boys decided to stop at this point, so we'll finish the last 21 boards tomorrow.

Looking out the backdoor at our new half-done deck :o)

A lone box of nails sits waiting patiently on the new deck boards


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