Brent was a wonderful husband, as always, and brought me flowers on Friday! They are so beautiful! and they have all opened up and smell so good!

On Saturday we went out to breakfast at the Cracker Barrel... we'd never been there before, and Brent had really wanted to go, so we tried it out, and it wasnt bad! it was very southern, more than we realized, with deer heads above the giant fireplace, and a fully stocked counrty store, with some pretty neat things, we'll definately go back.
That evening we decided that instead of one of us cooking a fancy dinner for the other, we would cook a fancy meal together! We actually had alot of fun! Usually our kitchen is too small for the two of us to be in together, but we made it work, and had a fantastic dinner of Penne with roasted bell peppers and pancetta in a sweet vermouth reduction. and since we had the vermouth, we practiced making martini's, Brent was a great bar tender, and had a whole mixing station set up on the counter, the drinks werent half bad either!