So I know it's been a couple of weeks, nothing huge has happened. We've been finishing small details on the house, like fixing some of the caulking, and the lights are up and working :o) I took a quick trip to Seattle last weekend while Brent went in search of his first big buck, ever. He didnt get that buck, but his brother, Dane, got a doe, so at least they didnt come home completely empty handed.
This weekend I spent saturday morning with a good friend, Nikki, and her two adorable kids, Ellie and Colton. We went to the market and shopped around a bit, then had a picnic in the park while Ellie played. It was great getting out and enjoying time with a friend, I feel like the end of summer is here, and I might not get to enjoy those things much more before winter comes. It's been a beautiful weekend! the temp is finally starting to drop a little, it's been in the 80's for the last couple days, but the sun is still shining, and at night it's cooling down enough for us to open the windows and not have the AC going constantly.
Some big news from this weekend... Brent got that Big Buck he was hoping for!! I got a text last night of the evidence, a 4x4 in velvet, with small eye guards. He shot it from 55 yards and the deer was facing him. I still get mixed feelings over his hunting, or killing things. I love that we'll have yummy, healthy meat for the season. But I still dont like seeing the animal, especially after he had to quarter it up to pack it out! I dont like the blood, or seeing the face, it's just sad and creepy still to me, and he made me take some pics of him with the head, so i've been tramatized slightly by that. I do love the fact that it's an early season deer, which means the meat is going to be sooo tender and not at all gamey yet! I was thinking of posting some pics, but they are slightly graphic, so i'll leave them out, but if you'd like to see Brent's first big buck, let me or him know and we'll send the pics your way :o)
Elk season starts next weekend, September 1st. I cant believe it's September!! This summer has gone by so fast! So our labor day weekend will be spent in Deadwood, Idaho (kinda fitting name huh?) which I love. There is a lake up there that is great to fish on and float around on if it's still warm enough. We usually camp on the river, Abby loves being right on the water, and I love that there are less bugs! Hopefully he tag's out early next weekend, but we'll see, he wants a big bull this year, it's all about the big guys I guess :o) I'm just happy with meat in the freezer. i'll keep you all posted on the outcome. Wish us luck!