Friday, December 19, 2008
We Made it!
What a long day! were just so happy to be here! Abby is running around finding all the toys and Lilly is still nervous because of the other cats in the house... but she'll warm up soon. Brent is excited to go duck hunting some place new, and i'm just excited to see family and friends!
Blessings to everyone for a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008
a little update
(Below) The best present under the tree, Lilly. This is her new favorite spot to sleep... all day and all night... she's laying there still as I type this, lol.

Our Christmas Tree!

Thursday, November 27, 2008
We hope everyone had a wonderful and thankful turkey day!!!
Brent and I had a great Thankgiving this year... it was sad to not be home with family, but we were so lucky to be able to spend it with some very dear friends, the Andersons! Josh and Marci were some of the first friends we met when we moved to Boise 2 years ago, and they have become more like family, they are such wonderful people! Brent woke up early and went hunting with Abby, while I loaded up the ham, sweet potatoes, pie, and stuffing and went over to their house early this morning. It was such a great day, very relaxing with lots of football, a great game of foosball, and lots of anxious turkey watching. We are so very thankful for all of our great friends here in Boise, but extra thankful for those friends that we share holidays with, this was our second thanksgiving with Josh and Marci, and we hope to keep this new tradition in years to come!
Brent and I are now off to Sun Valley for the rest of the holiday weekend, where we hope there will be snow, lots of dowtime, hiking, and good food at the bed and breakfast we will be visiting.
i'll post some pics when we get home. and were so excited to share that we will be home in just about 3 weeks for Christmas!!! Time is just going by way too fast!
Friday, November 14, 2008
We also went and saw the newest Warren Miller ski film last night. It was such a fun night! We met up with Brent's boss, Mike, and had a great time, he's a huge ski bum too, so we have fun in winter. The movie was great, a little more tame than past years, but still inspirational, and definately brings on the excitement for ski season! We are hoping to take several weekend trips this year, I need a lot more lessons still, but hope to take them on a weekly basis here in Boise, at Bogus Basin. It will take alot for me to get comfortable skiing with Brent, he's just so much more experienced, but I look forward to a great season.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Some ways to give back over the holidays This site is the best Green site i've found! you can calculate your carbon footprint, and they give you feedback on how to reduce your impact, you can also donate a calculated amount to sort of make up for your footprint, but making changes is a great way to start... I found out I owe $107... from all the round trip flights i've made this year!!! oops! What a great way to empower women! Jewelry and other things made by survivors of sex trafficking all around the world, they have christmas stuff and proceeds go to their rehabilitation and also teaches women new trades and helps them start over in life. Winemakers out of California created this line, where 50% of proceeds go to support several causes, including Breast cancer research, Autism, AIDS, The Planet and our troops! buy a bottle or subscription for a great christmas gift!! I love this one, and hope to help out as much as I can. Sign up in your community, then raise funds or ask your friends to help out with buying items that your classroom really needs. It helps out the students, but also the teachers, who so often buy much needed supplies out of their own pockets. give donations to help a community get water in developing countries, $20 can give one person clean drinking water for 20 years!!!
These are just a few of the many sites they have listed, i'll continue to check them out and update if I find some other good ones... I'm sure they are all good, but I cant list them all!... or can I???
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What a BIG day!!!

Tonight, November 4th, 2008, also marks another incredible milestone. Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States! Living in Boise, I felt strong as a supporter of the Obama/Biden campaign, knowing I am surrounded by McCain supporters might have helped my drive, but there is something about this town, the energy, the people are amazing, and I have truly felt connected to this election. After an amazing night at the Idaho Caucus this past summer, I had such a passion to get out there and support this campaign. My neighbors took notice of the signs in our window, sparking sincere conversations that might not ever have taken place, and I found new friends in fellow supporters that I would never have know otherwise. I am thankful for this election, because I believe in Change, I believe our country is finally on the right track with this elected president, and I cannot wait for our future and to see what Change can bring!
I cannot leave without a special note for a special little boy... Matt, one of the little boys I nanny for, turns 5 today! We had a special birthday with him on Sunday, Brent and I got him the greatest, most annoying present a 5 year old could ever wish for... a duck call. :o) He always loves to play with Brent's duck calls, walking around the house with them and playing outside with Abby, blowing them at the top of his lungs. I know his parents appreciate the added noise, just as much as I do during the day with them, but it was what he repeatedly asked for, and Brent loved the idea of encouraging him to hunt :o)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sad news

Thursday, October 23, 2008
A little update :o)
My first class starts this coming Monday, This will be my practicum class, so these are all technically volunteers for me to practice teaching and then they will evaluate the class and i'll be passed or not... hopefully passed :o) I'm working with several friends and their babies, and i'm so excited to be able to bring this to Boise! I also met a wonderful lady with twins on the plane ride home, who happened to evesdrop over my work I was doing and signed up immediately! :o) After the 5 week practicum class I'll send in my exam and all the evaluations from parents, and hopefully with about another 5 week turn around on exams, i'll get my certification to teach!!.... and get paid for it. :o) So far I am the only one in Boise that I know of, i've googled, looked in the phonebook, asked around, and cant seem to find anyone else that does this, so I'm really hoping i'm the first, and can get a successful business going. so I guess all I can say is... Wish me luck!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Update: Snow!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Boise's First Frost!!!

This shows a little better the frost on the grass (or clovers in our case)

I think this shows it the best, and this was taken at 9:30 am, I think the roof above the garage is dry because that is where we had the new insulation installed... not sure, but it was interesting. Now we just have to figure out if we'll be able to lay sod this weekend or not!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Kinda After...


A view of the whole back yard, under construction. See the skid-steer! It was a blast to drive! we moved so much dirt it's unreal! but we couldnt have done it without Brents parents help! Thanks Beth and Jim!!
Our wonderful rented skid-steer, we could not have done anything this big without it! and see all the rocks??? we picked through every single one to get the dirt out, and organized them around the yard.

Beth and Jim hard at work organizing rocks

Starting our down-slope from the house, we had to bring the dirt level down 6 inches, cause it was sitting against the house too high and could corrode the foundation... Brent's an engineer, when he says to do something, I listen :o)
Our side fence (the right side of the yard) which is leaning if you can see it, this area (about 10-12 feet from the fence line) will be filled with gravel for quad parking and i'm sure eventually a boat or something...
Another angle of the right side of the yard being graded down to the back
We are so excited to have a yard that actually looks like a back yard! Summer was so difficult without a real yard! I cant wait to host a real bbq next summer and have actual grass to enjoy!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Fall is finally here!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Family visit!
Last night we hung out with some friends and watched the BSU/Oregon game, Unfortunately BSU won, it was a sad game, but we had fun ribbing our BSU loving buddies, and getting ribbed back when they won, lol. It was great catching up with them, it's been awhile since we've had a get together. and with the rain we really couldnt do much else! Today we attempted to finish the trim on the inside of the windows... didnt really happen, Brent got 2 pieces up, then took a 4 hour break to watch the big game. I hung up the remaining 3 floating shelves in the living room, they look great! except I measured the bottom one wrong and had to re-do it, other than that they look great :o) Hopefully the rest of our windows will be trimmed out before the new year... but we'll see :o)
End of Summer RE-Cap
pretending to kiss the fishies :o)

Brent out playing on the flats surrounding the lake with Abby

Abby and I at Deadwood Reservoir

I think she had just finished the rest of my sandwich, the wind got ahold of my plate and dumped it on the ground. Abby was sure excited about that!
I also took a last minute trip to Seattle last weekend. Brent was hunting and I had 3 days off, so I flew in and proceeded to drive to the coast with my parents to see their property. It needed some TLC, so we mowed, weed-whacked, and sawed our way around the property until it was in tip-top shape. Saturday started out nice, then this weird fog rolled in off the ocean, it covered all of Ocean Shores. We couldnt see anything that night, which made it interesting at dinner sitting next to the huge windows, usually we would walk down the beach, but we could find the beach! The next morning we woke up to the beautiful blue skies i'm used to, but I wasnt used to the chill, it was only about 50 degrees! we walked the beach, enjoyed a yummy breakfast, then hit the road to beat the weekend traffic.
I was lucky enough to spend Sunday night with my sister, Pam. A little update on her: as of 2 weeks ago, she is now an Assistant Manager at the downtown Nordstroms! I think she's in Studio, i'll double check. but She also moved to downtown. She had been talking about moving if she got the job there, but we didnt know if it would work out so quickly! She moved in with another assistant manager from the downtown store, Amanda, and her dog Louis (he's adorable!). Their apartment is fantastic! It's in the queen ann area, and overlooks elliot bay! They lucked out with this space, it's great, and fits them so perfectly! it's cut her travel time down from over an hour on the bus each day, to less than 15 minutes to the store! She's doing well, and it was great to see her and spend some time catching up with her life. So if you need some new clothes, go see Pam in Studio :o)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
She's graduated!

Both Pam and Jen were fashion merchandising majors with minors in business. Jen had these sweatshirts made just for them, with their majors on the back. It was so fitting and they were so adorable.
We Love Visitors!
Duke loved to jump on Abby to get her to play rough back, they were so cute!
Lilly hung out on top of the dog house most of the evening, just observing the new pup that was invading her home.

just another playing picture, they were having so much fun!
Hopefully we'll be able to meet up with Duke again sometime either camping or on our own trip to Colorado to visit, I'm sure Abby would love to see him again, and i'm sure he'd love to play when he gets to be more her size!